Christmas 1996

This years Christmas Card has been directly inspired by Fritjof Capra's book "The Tao of Physics", and receives full credit for all of the facts in this card, which I will meticulously express in my own words. The card illustrates the thesis that, as physicists delve further and further into the essence of matter, they begin to comprehend the mystical nature of G-d. To begin this year's explanation of the artwork, observe the border along the lower right corner, up the right side and over the top. These are S-Matricx diagrams with which physicists record observations of sub-atomic particle collisions. By collecting data from collisions with S-Matrics diagrams, scientists can predict results with greater accuracy. Scientists regard frequent similarities in this process as aspects of the internal structure of particles. Scientists obtain the information for S-Matrics diagrams by recording high velocity particle collisions with enormous particle accelerators that propel particles close to the speed of light. The particles in the collisions become charged, and leave tracks in Bubble Chambers. Scientists can conclude a particle's nature by the tracks. Magnetic fields cause particles to bend in a clock-wise direction if they are positive or counter clockwise if they are negatively charged. So with modern technology, scientists begin to comprehend the sub-atomic dimension and wrestle with their understanding of its paradoxes. The main problem scientists have with seeing so small is that if they can isolate a particle into a specific position, they have no comprehension of the particle's momentum. Likewise scientists can measure a particle's momentum but consequently have no idea of the particle's position. This is only the first paradox scientists have to grasp in order to understand what reality is really made of. To illustrate more specific aspects of particle reactions, scientists use Feynman diagrams which show particles in the form of lines moving in space, from right to left, and up or down through time. Evidently particles move backwards or forwards through time depending on their charge. A particle with a charge opposite to its generally understood nature is known as an anti-particle. Feynman diagrams begin on the upper left corner of the border on the card and make up the rest of the border in various forms. Among the sub-atomic paradoxes illustrated on the left border of the card, a proton (p) emits a neutron (n) from nothing and then reabsorbs the neutron in the upper left corner. Evidently particles do this all the time. Such particles are known as virtual particles. The next diagram shows a proton and two pion particles appearing from out of nowhere and returning to the void in a sub-atomic moment. In other words, matter is known to spontaneously appear out of nothing. The next three diagrams show, first, a proton repelling another proton by emitting a virtual pion; a pion in the next diagram decays into two other particles, (a pion, and an anti-proton), which then return to the original pion; next the third diagram shows an electron repelling another electron with a photon particle (y). All of these things are commonplace in the sub-atomic plane and scientists must begin to understand the very small in terms that defy classical physics. When physicists discovered matter's essential particles, then matter as they understood it disappeared. Of course these particles are the basic pieces that combine to make the atoms that our objective experience is constructed of. The largest of these particles are basically protons, neutrons, and electrons that are much smaller. Photons are light particles made up of a mass-less unit of electromagnetic radiation. Of these particles, protons, electrons, and photons are stable particles capable of immortality. Neutrons are known to disintegrate spontaneously through a radioactive process known as Beta Decay, which reduces the neutron into a proton, an electron, and a mass-less particle called an Anti-neutrino. There are many more particles discovered in the sub-atomic realm known to be identical in nature, mass, and electric charge. When science discovered the sub-atomic dimension, it was discovered that solid matter was actually made up mostly of empty space. Matter receives its solid aspect from the incessant phenomenon of negatively charged electrons spinning around a confined atomic nucleus at around 600 miles per second. These particles paradoxically move faster when they are more confined. Thus the more confined atomic nucleus spins at positively charged speeds of around 40,000 miles per second. This electron-nucleus relationship is the threshold of reality as we know it. As scientists penetrate the atom, they penetrate time and space as it is normally understood. The particles that make up atoms constantly exchange virtual particles while atoms become excited with electric charges. When an atom is excited and eventually relaxes, the charge is released in the generation of a photon particle. Let there be light. It is because of this dynamic activity of the sub-atomic, that scientists are able to begin to understand the very small. Instead of matter being made up of dead pieces, scientists have discovered that everything is charged with sub-atomic life which we already know is lively enough to level cities. This true essence of reality turns out to be made up of dynamic patterns of interacting particles. Of these interactions, the strongest is the nuclear force made up of particle exchanges that hold atomic nuclei together with a force equivalent to 10,000,000 electron volts. Although the gravitational interactions which hold stars and galaxies together are undetectable on the subatomic plane, perhaps the collective force which holds atoms together also effects the overall curvature of space holding us all to the ground. Atomic molecules are held together by electromagnetic interactions caused by long-range photon exchanges responsible also for chemical processes. The final type of interaction with which scientists obtain knowledge of the sub-atomic are the weak interactions occurring in particle collisions and different kinds of decay. The remaining diagrams on the border are different particle collisions that occur artificially, or in nature. Although classified as a weak interaction compared to what holds planets, molecules, and atoms together, particle collisions are known to bring other particles into existence from kinetic energy. When particles collide, they break into pieces that maintain the original size. Since particles exist as electromagnetic polarities, they are both destructible and indestructible at the same time. The weak interactions that create particles don't only occur in billion dollar particle accelerator experiments. The phenomenon is the very nature of stars themselves that emit very strong electromagnetic radiation from collisions in the form of x-rays, radio waves, and light waves. In addition to this, cosmic particles collide with the atmospheric particles around us all the time. Just as the atom represents the borderline of time and space, the borderline of matter and energy is light itself, which is able to exist as a photon particle or a wave of electromagnetic radiation. This is illustrated on the card by the hexagon patterns of electromagnetic radiation holding the atoms on the card together. These hexagon patterns are made up of electrons repelling each other through the exchange of photons. The hexagon lines are not forces, but instead are particle interactions being mediated through fields. In classical physics, something is understood by understanding the individual parts that make up the whole. The sub-atomic, however, is understood with quantum physics, and scientists understand sub-atomic parts by knowing the properties and behavior of patterns that make up the whole. Reality is actually made up of fundamental patterns. According to quantum physics, particles are actually patterns of stability within the overall pattern. This entire discovery appears to ultimately be leading to the sub-atomic explanation of G-d. To explain sub-atomic phenomenon, physicists have developed Quantum Field theory which views phenomenon in terms of a fundamental physical entity existing everywhere known as the Quantum Field. Particles are understood as local condensations of the quantum field. This implies that photon particles are actually condensations of electromagnetic fields. The field idea is not unlike the Hindu idea of Brahman who, according to Fritjof Capra, is known as, "the thread that unifies the web of cosmic phenomenon." In the mystical sense, all these explanations are just illusions entertaining our rationale’s determination to understand reality. Pythagoras and other philosophers like him long ago introduced the straight line into this curved universe. These ideas must be seen as merely part of our conceptual map and not reality itself. For the illusion we entertain as everyday reality the application of Newtonian physics still works exceedingly well as long as there are plenty of atoms involved in the formula and the speeds involved are small compared to the speed of light. The realm of daily experience where classical physics is still reliably applied is known as "the zone of middle dimensions." This realm of Newtonian physics is illustrated on the card by the microcosmic pentagram symbol where this year's child of the pentagram stands. Around this pentagram are the four elemental weapons of the magician representing the elements mastered by the magician to attain the realization that has proved to be similar to what physicists have now discovered. Mystically speaking, these weapons represent charkas that are mastered through Yoga practice. The earth pentacle represents the charka associated with the sense of smell, perception of solidity, and the bodily functions associated with defecation, ejaculation, and bladder movements. The cup represents the water charka associated with the sense of taste and the bodily function of blood regeneration. The wand illustrates the fire charka associated with the sense of sight and the bodily function of digestion. The sword of the air charka relates to consciousness, the sense of touch, and also the bodily function of breathing. Finally the spirit/sun symbol is the sense of hearing and the bodily functions of the throat to include speaking. Mastery of these weapons results in mastery of mind and body. From there the mystic attains an all-penetrating insight with which one becomes conscious of the oneness of the universe. This oneness is observable by scientists from the sub-atomic plane as well as the macrocosmic observation of stars in the universe. Relativity theory defines time as a part of space, thus creating a mathematical formalism for the four-dimensional space-time continuum. This is necessary to explain sub-atomic collision events, which occur in such small time spans that they defy classic notions of time. Astronomers also use this formula to explain observations of such tremendous distances that the observed light is already billions of years old. This macrocosmic phenomenon is illustrated on the card by the hexagram surrounded by the six visible planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. The hexagram represents the idea of G-d which quantum field theory appears to be close to documenting. Since ancient times philosophers have speculated on a "Divine Principle" existing above (or beyond) all men and gods. In the beginning this Divine Principle was an underlying cosmic unity. This ancient science eventually degenerated into a demi-urgical concept of G-d who stands above the world in a human form directing it. The separation of spirit and matter or body and soul characterized by modern western thought has resulted ultimately from the demi-urgical idea of G-d controlling religious thought from a more political hierarchy. The ancient philosophy of the Greek Atomists defined spirit as separate from matter. The particles they called atoms were believed to be dead particles in a void animated by a spiritual source. Rene' Descartes contributed to the spirit/matter separation with his Cartesian thought, which instructs people to see themselves as isolated egos existing inside a body. This mindset, which has characterized scientific thought for hundreds of years, separates observations from the observer and is the root of the current environmental crisis that we all try to be so separate from. This tendency to isolate our egos from the perceived world is actually an illusion caused by the rationale’s tendency to categorize. Buddhists call this form of ignorance Avidya. Matter used to be understood as dead or lifeless. The fact is that everything is made of rapidly vibrating molecules and atoms which consist of particles that interact with one another constantly by creating and destroying other particles. In truth, quantum theory may one day document the omnipresent field and the dynamic spirit within all particles, which lives and is G-d.

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