Christmas 2022

The Dragon Gives its Power to the Beast



Like last year the 2022 drawing again comes from the bible’s Book of Revelations, also called the Apocalypse of St. John.  That book references a war between Gog and Magog that most scholars agree is attributable to the geographical area of modern Russia.  Therefore a Russian Coat of Arms became the central subject of the drawing.  In February of 2022, over 60,000 Ukraine troops were poised to invade the separatist eastern territories just before Russia invaded and ended them.  That started a very foggy war where most western citizens never even heard anything about Ukraine troops triggering Putin’s “unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country.”  Putin declared his “Special Military Operation” objectives as being to “de-Nazify” the Ukraine military and secure the separatist eastern provinces that Kyiv bombed for years after outlawing the Russian language that most people there speak.

Another fact obscured by the fog of this war is that actual Azov Battalion card-carrying Nazis dominate Ukraine’s military referred to by western televisions as “ultra-nationalists.”  When Gog invaded Magog, US televisions instantly banned channels like RT (Russia Television) where Ukrainians being referred to as ‘Nazis’ can still be heard.  That channel already had been useful to find out actual truth that official ‘western’ news refuses to inform the public about. 

The Ukrainian leader is Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a charismatic commander of Nazi armies just like Hitler.  Don’t be so fast to fly that Ukraine flag in the front yard to virtue signal in solidarity with a CIA-installed government.  As revealed by The Pandora Papers, President Zelenskyy has 1.3 billion dollars in an offshore bank account as well as a 31-million dollar mansion in Florida.  The Ukraine wartime leader has been President for 2-years after a career as an actor/comedian.  His cabinet’s resume reads like a movie production company, which explains his approach to war with Russia using lies, distorted staged untrue events, and a Nazi approach that executes citizens either as human shields or else mass-murdered in attempts to blame the atrocity on Russian troops. 

The animosity between Russia and Ukraine goes back way before the CIA-staged coup d'état in 2014, which is a case study of a fascist takeover.  It goes back to biblical times when they were called Gog and Magog in the north.  In 2014 Ukraine became the only country on Earth that bombed its people.  This year on August 30 Ukrainians bombed the Russia-secured Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant causing the 5th reactor to auto-shutdown.  That’s my US tax dollars at work, which was bad enough just getting flushed down war’s toilet for war’s own sake.  Before Putin’s allegedly unprovoked attack, our televisions failed to mention that Ukraine bombings caused 700,000 Donetsk civilians to flee into Russia.  I guess that would slip right through the radar at the US southern border, but Russia pays attention there.  Putin recently had referendums to annex eastern Ukraine like Crimea did to avoid 8-years of civil war.  If Ukraine attacks again they attack Russia already poised to escalate all this.    So Biden can finally start a war to, at last, get Americans to unite in liking him, or maybe even postpone those November elections that are out to unseat his failed party.

The actual Russian coat of arms shows a single man riding a horse, but on this drawing 4-horseman of the Apocalypse display in the center.  The word Apocalypse in the original Greek means unveiling or revealing what has before been concealed.  We all can recognize that the recent advent of the Internet has epically created a theme for these days where everything that can be revealed, is made public.  Back when the Obama Administration supposedly killed Bin Laden, only to quickly dispose of the body in the ocean, every single attempt to release any photographic evidence got debunked by the Internet within seconds, such as a doctored image from the movie “Black Hawk Down” among other half-dozen phony pictures.  Today the world’s corruption and decay is on full display.

The first horseman is a white horse with a rider carrying a bow and a newly acquired crown.  On September 8, 2022, after a 70-year stalwart reign, Queen Elizabeth II died at age 96.  After a lifetime of unemployment, the newly crowned King Charles III can now carry out his true will, which includes the World Economic Forum’s intent where you will own nothing and be happy as described in UN Agenda 2030.  In this new world, nothing will be owned because everything will be subscribed to you at a price like that timeshare catastrophe on steroids.  In the drawing, the cartoon-like beast with a leopard body and bear-like claws got inspired by the Prince Charles Coat Of Arms.  The beast image appears on the actual Coat Of Arms opposite a horned white horse, or unicorn.  It can also be added that the same Prince of Wales Coat Of Arms includes 4-beasts in the center and a red dragon, but we’re doing Gog and Magog here. 

We live amid a vicious agenda that is driven by grossly misplaced fears about natural gasses and their effects on climate.  Even UN Agenda 2030 had its origin in the misinformed last century around 1993.  The path trodden by this white horseman includes the 2001 Anthrax attacks resulting in a vaccine deal with Baer.  After that, Dick Cheney put Dr. Fauci in charge of America’s entire bio-weapons program, and the rest is history.  Back then Fauci made a deal with Bill Gates to develop a weaponized coronavirus under the guise of vaccine development.  That was around when SARS-like coronavirus research existed in Chapel Hill South Carolina before getting traced to Canada followed by Wuhan where it ended up released in 2019.

These vaccines of the anti-Christ include graphene oxide nano-tech that coroners are photographing after they pull them out of cadavers as blood clots several inches long.  Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg attempts to take his company to the next level re-branding Facebook as Meta.  This evolution will integrate virtual reality technology with the social media experience so that it includes every part of our lives from work to home life accomplishing things through an interactive virtual world.  Perhaps these Covid-injections are wrecking human health to create the necessity for an alternative virtual reality body to replace ruined ones, just like The Matrix movie.  If the Matrix were becoming a real thing it would begin with something just like Meta along with the current worldwide genocide.

Next on the Russian Coat Of Arms is a tiny horseman bearing a sword while riding a red horse.  Roads trodden by this horseman go way back before Dick Cheney declared endless war to make us more like the book “1984.”  Violence ushered in with the current Biden Administration included bi-weekly mass shootings for months, along with a conspicuous slow-down of sex-trafficking arrests by the FBI.  It seems intended to motivate an anti-2nd Amendment liberal base to achieve sweeping gun laws.  The problem remains for the new tyranny to disarm the US, which is still dragging its feet to the New World Order table.  Earlier this year a kid with a massive amount of military-grade weapons and ammo killed two teachers and nineteen children in a Uvalde TX elementary school.  It got revealed that up to 30-minutes before the shooting an “ex”-FBI agent had social media contact with this shooter.  This FBI-associated individual got notified about the event right before it happened and did nothing just like the police at the scene for a whole hour while children died.   The ex-FBI agent had a social media history of grooming and coaching this young impressionable shooter on how to use his mysteriously acquired guns and ammo.  This becomes such common knowledge that the FBI is forced to investigate itself.  It probably won’t find anything.

The previous writing last year featured the vaccination theme.  It got quickly released a half year early to warn the Secret Gnostics and anyone else who would read it to not take these experimental injections.  Since that writing came out early, the shocking numbers presented in it from the adverse effects database were only a fraction of the truth today.  At this time you cannot even directly quarry the VAERS database for results like back then because deaths and severe reactions reported from these Fauci/Gates injections have already filled it up with too much information.  Today you have to download the raw data and search it any way you can.

These deadly injections directly weakened the US military after they discharged all soldiers that would not take the Covid shot, and many of the remaining “vaccinated” ones either began mysteriously dying in their beds, got sick with covid, or they continue to suffer events from blood clots.  Many continue to get myocarditis or cancers due to a compromised and damaged immune system.  This red horse has been setting America’s defenses up for failure on the battlefield perhaps as part of a future conquest, and Biden can’t stop shoveling the country’s entire weapon stockpile into the Ukraine grinder along with oil reserves going to his China investment interests.  Never has so much country-wrecking corruption been so ignored. 

This red horse on the Russia Coat of Arms has defiantly already taken off with war in Ukraine.  Up till this writing, it lacked the shock-and-awe enshrined in western-style invasions, but with 300,000 Russian troops now joining Putin’s chess game, it’s about to change this checker game we’ve been playing.  In Russia’s defense, we never staged humanitarian corridors for civilians when we destroyed Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan.  We love to hate our enemies with a callous ‘kill-em-all-let-God-sort-em-out’ attitude glamorized by Hollywood victories for a population sheltered from all the real repercussions of US foreign policy.  It’s because people in the US have never faced the direct effects of war with enemy bombings or even army invasions that are not just looking for cheap labor jobs.  The Ukraine war is now changing from a Special Military Operation into war with NATO.  NATO is another beast with many heads, but that’s currently 30 and Ukraine is trying to join so no seven heads there. 

Next, the black horse rider displays the path it embarks on with scales held to signal hyperinflation.  Those paths have many recent examples such as in the Netherlands where the government against a significant pushback is trying to shut down 40% of farm businesses because they produced too much weather-changing nitrogen.  This elitist land-grab is absurd on its face considering that nitrogen is another natural gas making up seventy percent of our planet’s atmosphere.  We’ve been conditioned to accept this after years of warnings about another natural gas, CO2, warming the planet even though plants inhale and we exhale it.  The Netherlands' struggle is ongoing with a significant percent of the world’s food supply in the balance.  Meanwhile over there an arsonist burned down a store called ‘Picnic’ featuring the debut of Bill Gates’ genetically modified food.  People are fighting back whether or not it gets depicted in this beast-controlled media or not.  Ongoing Iran protests are getting bolder, more violent, and more noticeable.  The oppression Iranian people are fed up with fuels what’s starting to look like 1979 there, but just fuck with people’s cost of living enough and that Natural Democracy these writings like to foresee will happen as millions realize they outnumber their bad-parent leaders millions to one.  It already happened recently in Sri Lanka after that globalist-controlled government outlawed fertilizer because of Earth’s nitrogen problem and as famine ensued citizens started to starve.  Now the Sri Lanka government leaders are running for their lives.

In June 2022 banks in China and Australia closed down to avoid bank runs.  This is happening.  In July hundreds of thousands of Chinese mortgage buyers for homes not getting constructed refused to make payments.  Like the days of Tiananmen Square, there were tanks in the streets of China to protect the banks.  Along with economic hardship, this horseman brings disease, and the war between Gog and Magog has already presented evidence to the UN of bio-weapons labs in Ukraine used for years to infect Donbas citizens with different viruses to cause ill effects.  What gets revealed during that is there are dozens of US-backed bio-weapons labs in Ukraine entrusted to notorious Nazis and also over 300 labs like this scattered strategically around the world, of which the Wuhan Institute of Virology is only a single popular example.  More than just Ukrainian Nazis may have figured out how to turn these labs against surrounding populations.  Polio is now showing up again because of the water in New York State, and then from out of nowhere, monkeypox.

On May 15, 2022, the usually rare monkeypox virus suddenly spread in pandemic proportions to several countries keeping those already orchestrated Covid fears high.  Coincidently the previous year, just like with Covid the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation staged a monkeypox preparation exercise featuring a scenario where on May 15, 2022, a monkey-pox virus gets released from a “research” bio-lab to cause a pandemic.  How did Bill Gates a whole year before predict to the day this unexpected and unlikely outbreak?

In another amazing coincidence to involve both the sickness and famine problems together on our horseman’s scale, in April two airplanes in the same week with probably vaccine-sickened pilots crashed into food processing plants.  Food processing businesses all over the world for over a year now have also been burning down or getting destroyed for various reasons.   Over a hundred have been destroyed in America, and there are no detectives on the case.  To add to current food production pain the poultry industry got forced to cull millions of birds due to “alleged” bird-flu outbreaks.  They did recently introduce PCR tests for animals. 

Behold a pale horse arrives as the last horseman bringing death to the world.  Airplane crashes made the theme for this year’s drawing because those events are now a thing.  The airline industry unfairly and foolishly fired thousands of airline pilots last year for refusing the jab, and this year all the vaccinated pilots are calling in sick.  The vaccines are making people more susceptible to Covid as they continue to fill hospitals.  Well-known “immunized” people are catching the disease to include Fauci and the already sick enough US President.  Airlines have started grounding pilots that are recently vaccinated.  Meanwhile along a similar theme, so far among injection-mandated athletes that perform on the field, there have been over 1,354 cardiac arrests and serious issues, and 922 of those athletes are dead with more on the way.  In July another Indonesian pilot died soon after take-off.  It just seems like never before have so many planes been falling from the skies.  It’s like living in a dystopian disaster movie.

The drawing’s explanation follows the horsemen to arrive at an ocean shoreline where a red dragon from The Book of Revelations arrives to give its power and authority to the Beast from the waters.  The dragon resembles the Chinese style and unlike mainstream Christian interpretations jumping to conclusions that say this is Satan, this image intends to identify the creature with China often depicted as a dragon in iconography.  Nancy Pelosi recently very publicly offended China by visiting Taiwan against stern warnings to not do it.  Afterward, China intimidated Taiwan waters with aggressive military exercises for weeks.  Why would she do this even against demands from China to cease along with President Biden's powerless orders?  Pelosi probably did this to boost inside-trading investments before her impending November comeuppance.  They also seem suddenly hell-bent to start a war before the election, perhaps to delay it.  This elephant in the room also points out that wars and even rumors of war become profitable for the insider-trading arms industry equity firm that our Congress became a long time ago.  War is big business and Ukraine is only the latest endless-war profit model long in the making.

America needs the New World Order agenda shoved down its throat while getting told that it loves it.  A fascist takeover of America requires mobs of brown-shirt ditto-heads creating violence and they are in abundance, separated basically into two groups each accusing the other of being fascists.  It seems to depend on what brand of television glasses you wear.  On November 19, 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse got acquitted of killing two and wounding another while defending himself with a rifle during a business-burning mob protest incident.  The mob justice that started it all became offended by the verdict.  They decided that they knew more than the jury that attended the case since the media cameras were also there telling them what to think.  This is why they used to consider a courtroom sacred territory, and did not allow cameras.  These writings have bitched about that before.  In today’s America, an Operation GLADIO bi-weekly mass murder theme stirs up angry mobs accompanied by cameras to dictate opinions.  Not long after the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict a black want-to-be rap artist went off script and drove a car through a parade of white people in reaction to the controversial Rittenhouse acquittal.  They can’t even argue for more gun laws with that one.  The media became tongue-tied about how to reluctantly report this mass murder of a half dozen white people by a black man who targeted his victims based on their skin color.  The CNN station on TV even deliberately did whiteout on the image of the murderer presented on the air to make him appear whiter.  The story quickly disappeared from media radar when a week later a white student in Michigan conveniently shot up a school.  The media finally had something to echo chamber 24/7 to their audience.  This killer’s Trump-loving parents even purchased the 9-millimeter weapon as a present for their son.  That is television narrative gold.

Something very diabolical has come down upon the world and we all need to see it.  It’s noticeable that leaders not elected have been installed around the world by this dragon of autocratic top-down UN/WEF technocrat-financed communist control.  It currently rules the western world, and Biden is far from any exception.  In May 2022 the documentary “2000 Mules” got released about the voter-fraud operation that stole the 2020 election for Biden.  The movie documents swing state ballot-box-stuffing operators caught committing this crime by acquiring their own I-phone GPS data identified with over 2000 Democrat activists.  Evidence includes I-phone identities of operatives who were required to photograph themselves during the crime to get paid.  Millions of hours of accumulated surveillance footage corroborate the proof making a slam-dunk caught-red-handed with-their-pants-down case of how they stole the 2020 election for the most unpopular President in history.  That explains the statistical impossibility of this election awarding both competitors more votes than any other President in history, and most of those votes ironically got awarded to the least liked President ever.  Not everyone is a ditto-headed kool-aid-drinking 4th-Covid-boosted zombie following all this shoveled-out bullshit without any critical thinking.  Many must also be wondering, “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?”  On July 4th, 2022 the Georgia Guide Stones declaring somebody’s intention to depopulate the planet got blown up.  Oh good, we with ears to hear are not alone.

This year’s drawing depicts the Chinese dragon giving its power to the Beast arising from the ocean.  Last year documented that Chinese Communists took over the World Health Organization.  That medical tyranny has locked down the country of Australia where unvaccinated were declared 2nd-class citizens forbidden to leave their homes.  There has never before been anything like it except in China.  In April 2022, millions in Shanghai, China got locked down because of the government’s zero-Covid policy.  This resulted in mass suicides and murdered pets in attempts to keep from starving.  Keep that in mind the next time the TV brainwasher praises China’s approach to respiratory sickness.

The power this dragon gives to the world includes vaccine passports, social credit scores, and the ultimate control through digital currencies demonstrated recently as credit card companies agreed to flag weapon purchases for the government.  The dragon’s power includes technocrats richer than whole countries that provide this agenda’s financing.  That created a money trail back to 2020 when they rained it on hospitals and school boards to mandate dangerously experimental injections, masks on children as well as social-distancing nonsense.  Doctors got paid generously to use murderous NIH-approved treatments such as ventilators with Midazolam (used for executions) and the kidney-destroying Remdesivir.  We know how much they got paid.  To this day they do ridiculous things with PCR tests to keep a pandemic illusion alive along with our collective fears.  We know that Pfizer owns every word the TV is allowed to say, and Bill Gates purchased every world government agency by becoming their number one contributor through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  We know this, for all has been revealed by the apocalypse.

The leader of China, Xi Jinping recently secured a 3rd five-year term as absolute leader, which China made a point of avoiding since the genocidal Chairman Mao.  Rumors of him being under house arrest in a coup d'état circulate the world before found out to be untrue, but it’s always been hard to figure out what’s going on in China. 

This Beast receiving China’s tyrannical power encompasses many heads and organizations of elites like the World Economic Forum, but resistance takes shape as protests everywhere denounce lockdowns, mandates, and vaccine passports.  Some countries are on the verge of civil war over this.  In America, courts declared Biden’s Federal ‘vaccination’ mandate unconstitutional.  Other mandates in America are lifting or getting sued by unemployed victims of those that acted like Nuremberg Nazis.  In America, the mandate on federal employees is as dead as tens of thousands of American vaccine recipients.  Vaccines were just approved for children under five, and funeral businesses now are running out of small coffins.  In Canada, 50 miles of vaccine-mandated truckers drove across the country to Ottowa in protest.  Their fearless dictator Trudeau fled into hiding as large trucks crowded the capital.  Truckers intended to stay there till medical freedom got restored. 

The Beast our governments have become does fear the truth getting revealed, but wake up people!  The Internet gatekeepers desperate to dictate the narrative and our access to information have seized control.  Already many once-favorite Internet sources have disappeared like something Stalin would do.  Opinions to include personal posts on social media constantly get censored, ‘fact-checked,’ and buried on social media walls and in search results.  Where we once surfed free we now speak our opinions on the worldwide Internet within a social media bubble surrounded by the sound of crickets.  The Orwellian Chinese worldwide coup d'état has already enslaved the Internet.  This Beast’s prophetically declared temporary tyranny seems to depend on how long we collectively are going to put up with it.

Truth should win this war.  In America, they tried to add a Disinformation Governance Board inside the (HSA) Fatherland Security Agency to monitor people’s social media opinions.  The notion got shot down immediately because we have a 1st Amendment telling the government to leave free speech alone, but they will try something else.  They are desperate to lock our thinking down into something automaton-like and easy to control, but overall it’s not working.  The Probability and Statistics 101 problem presented to remaining educated minds by the stolen 2020 election got too obvious for many to stay away from the Stop The Steal protest in Washington DC.  Of the over 400 citizens sitting in an American gulag for over a year because they participated in a January 6th, 2021 protest, many are still waiting to get charged with something.  They are political prisoners in America that have been tortured and abused while awaiting trial, not at all constitutionally speedy.  Meanwhile the ones complicit in stealing the 2020 election conduct a commission of professional liars trying to turn the tables of their guilt on those prisoners by somehow finding them guilty of armed insurrection even though they can’t prove any of them were armed.  The investigation continues while 34 remaining gulag detainees recently wrote a letter asking to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay where they would get 3 meals a day, time outside, and freedom to practice their religion.

During the capital protests, one provocateur not arrested had appeared on several Internet uploaded videos going out of his way encouraging people to storm the capital building.  He identifies as Ray Epps, and although he is as guilty as any building-entering gulag member he remains uncharged and protected by the FBI.  Seems the FBI keeps coming out of this big picture’s woodwork getting caught orchestrating mass shootings and framing domestic terrorists.  They had to release two perpetrators of the Michigan governor’s attempted kidnapping because the jury could tell the FBI set them up.  Then they had to set up another kangaroo court after that to get the other two convicted.  Like 3rd world Gestapo thugs, the FBI blatantly has become a weapon against Biden’s political rival Donald Trump beginning with a bogus Mar-a-Lago Florida raid on his premises to start unsubstantiated rumors that the ex-President did something wrong.  He did make the mistake of suing the FBI and Hillary Clinton for Russia-gate, which already includes enough publicly accessible information to convict them.  Now over 50 other Trump-connected people have been arrested, raided, or else had their phones confiscated in public to fuel the left-leaning channels before November with conversations critical of Trump’s party.  The desperation meter broke the needle off analyzing this one.

The Beast of Revelations rises on this year’s drawing with many heads and horns.  Antlers easily resolved the ten-horn problem.  This Beast controls its heads of installed leaders and it becomes unclear what countries, if countries at all, the heads on the actual biblical image specifically represent.  In France Macron won his re-election despite dismal poll numbers.  It caused riots in the streets screaming that the election was stolen.  In Canada, Trudeau declared martial law and suspended parliament over the trucker’s peaceful protest.  The brutal Canadian crackdown suspended many trucker bank accounts along with those suspected of supporting them.  They impounded their trucks, arrested many, killed dogs, and Mounties also appeared on video trampling an old woman with horses.  The protests only increased after that with fewer trucks, and trucker protesters in the US in solidarity crossed the country choking the beltway in Washington DC.  Trudeau has shown himself as a true globalist tyrant giving credibility to rumors that his father is really Fidel Castro.  The Uvalde Texas shooter in America used AR-15s, but after that Trudeau with his dictatorial powers banned all Canadian handguns in response.

As this Beast rises, Canada’s head is way ahead of America’s.  Biden’s re-election strategy is to use the FBI to terrorize his opponent, Donald Trump, away from running.  I told you the terrorists won.  Trump’s old advisor, Steve Bannon, got purp-walked, and he along with other MAGA Republicans in Congress also experienced a new phenomenon known as getting “SWATTED,” which is when leftist ditto-heads or somebody sends several anonymous calls to police to trigger a response at the person’s residence.  That is a whole new level of weaponizing law enforcement.  This Beast rises in the world, and although the Disinformation Governance Board flopped in America they still desperately try to suppress access to truth, and the New Zealand Covid-tyrant at a recent UN meeting called for something on a global scale similar to disinformation governance.

In America, they passed a 740-billion dollar Inflation Reduction Act creating 87,000 new armed and dangerous IRS agents to go out there and wage war on inflation.  They will enforce the taxes being raised to fix our inflation problem. At last, the government is finally really getting motivated to tackle a problem down to a solution.  It was tax-dodgers the whole time, and once this money slated to change the weather accomplishes that we’ll see inflation resolve itself.  Biden also signed executive order 14067 to create a Central Bank Digital Currency obtaining more power over people’s spending.  The northern Canadian tyrant recently froze online donation campaigns for the Truckers to demonstrate that same power over digital currency.  The Beast of many heads has a central face that is the anti-Christ; that son of perdition foretold since the establishment of the Bible canon.  Around the world we see people forced to bow to this Beast’s tyranny, while in America the anti-Christ would probably just like Biden to read the FUCKEN teleprompter without going off script rambling about how much he loves little girls bouncing on his lap.  The principalities and powers creating this worldwide situation are desperate to overcome opposition to their horrendously unpopular and criminal plan.  Therefore they will have to steal this mid-term election to stay in power.  It worked last time, but we should at least try to catch them at it, again.

On the drawing over the ocean, a plane falls out of the sky because that has been a theme this year.  They unjustly fired all the pilots that would not take the disastrous genocide jab and now they suffer staff shortages causing historic flight delays because their vaccinated employees also are getting sick while some are dying.  Rising from the ocean this year on January 15, 2022, an underwater volcano went off in the Pacific to create a nuclear mushroom cloud visible from space with Tsunamis on all shores from Indonesia to America.  To also mention in sync with the theme of the Beast rising from the ocean, the largest oil field in the world called Leviathan exists in the Mediterranean just off the coast of Crimea, which is disputed by Kyiv as belonging to Ukraine.  So that is also on the table in this war where the last President got impeached for making a phone call about Biden’s son Hunter being CEO of Ukraine’s oil company Burisma.  There’s a son of perdition in that trivia.

It is written, those with the mark of God shall be saved, and these mRNA genetic therapy injections alter human DNA.  That has offended God before, according to some Great Flood stories.  The injections introduce an mRNA molecule to tell our cells to produce the same spike protein as the virus so that our bodies will attack us.  This immune response intention is backfiring in monumentally spectacular ways.  The mark of God is within our DNA as a secret unpronounceable name, YHVH, expressed as four basic nucleosides consisting of Thymine-Adenine pairs as the King and Queen of Tetragrammaton, and the Cytosine-Guanine pairs embodying the Prince-Princess principles used as the basic nitrogen-based building blocks of nucleic acids.  (Oooo!  Nitrogen.)  That basic genetic pattern evolves this deoxyribonucleic name into 8-basic codons creating 64 possible DNA expressions in the language between the mitochondria and chromosomes within the nucleus.  These injections interfere with that DNA language in ways that might epically piss God off, again.  We exist through this name as a temporary reflection of light that is eternal was never really born and shall never actually die.  That part of us is light while we exist as merely a solid reflection of that same illumination expressed through time.  Eventually, that enriched light becomes eternal like going from particle to wave moving on from seeing our lives in a mirror to leave behind an inanimate body, dead and no longer reflecting life. 

What this apocalypse might reveal is that all those Illuminati secret societies of rich brats that can’t hold real jobs finally show their cards of fascist world domination.  Perhaps like in the book, the Sun with more intelligence than all humans put together reveals it is really in charge of climate.  After all, we exist as a trick of the light.  Biden recently said if Russia invades Ukraine the Nord Stream-2 pipelines would cease to exist.  That pipeline from Russia to Germany just got blown up, somehow.  The Beast has created a long dark winter for everyone this year.  See you on the other side.


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