Christmas 1999

Our Lady of the Pillar appears on this year’s card as in the card of the year 1990. This time however, she wears a tattoo of the twin serpents of the Caduceus across her body signifying the dualistic energy of our evolution. She walks from the Gate of the Ineffable, across the sands of time, where the night of the twentieth Century is disappearing in the dawn of the 21st Century. This year’s allegorical dream is remembered in the card’s imagery for us to wonder about. The first of these images is the dignified pentagram on the keystone of the gateway to the ineffable from which, form and manifestation proceed. This star represents humanity with our anthropomorphic stature of two arms, two legs, and a head. One meaning of this star is that everyone is a star ablaze in his or her own subjective universe. In fact, the whole idea of the objective is arguably only a theory or collective dream. From this keystone the pillars of Severity and Mercy mark the extremes of the objective dream. The pillars are marked with the elemental symbols and their corresponding astrological corners in the Zodiac as well as the presiding cherubim arranged according to the male pillar of Mercy and the female pillar of Severity. These pillars represent the world, which embraces the extremes while the real answers exist in the middle. Seated in the middle between the pillars of the gate is the Egyptian god Horus who presides over the present age which began in this century according to some occult traditions. The preceding Christian age was presided over by the Egyptian god Osiris; the age of the dying god. This present age of Horus is that of the crowned and conquering child. Currently the state struggles for control over the masses because it is loosing control of the masses. Research in mind control has definitely advanced since early CIA operatives experimented with mind control during projects such as, Bluebird, Artichoke, and MKUltra. We live in a day and age when ideas put down in a book called, "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society" by the CIA operative Jose Delgado, are being implemented in our society. This struggle between the state and the maturing generation of children defines the advent of the new millennium. On the card the shadow of the god Horus is his passive form Hoor-pa-kraat, giving the Sign of Silence. The new Aeon is quickly redefining reality to conceal the secret that the old Aeon was destroyed in 1904 when the god Horus took the place of the Hierophant in the east. The woman on the card nurses a child revealing her as the mother. Currently we live during a time when the mother’s sovereignty is assaulted by a state that thinks it knows better. Every day more and more mothers face the questioning of their integrity by Department of Family Services as well as other organizations of the new fascism. Although their "baby snatching" business hides behind the good intention of representing what they think is a child’s best interest, they ultimately destroy the families and the hope of a normal future for the children. Although an overwhelming majority of us come from what today’s vocabulary would call "dysfunctional" upbringings, we wouldn’t have wanted the state to have stepped in to take us from our parents or parent and place us in foster care. Many of us would have resented such a despotic government for the rest of our lives and today’s children will prove to be no different. The roads to hell are paved with so called "good intentions". D.F.S. is pompously above the law when they manufacture a case against someone who is usually a single mother, struggling with the tightening welfare budget who happens to get in their way. None of the allegations from D.F.S. need to be proved in court. It's as if the state has become greedy for broken families and disenfranchised children to test their behavior modification drugs on. The control freaks of the state fight against the enlightenment of the dawning renaissance. In schools, certain types of children, (no different than you or I at that age), are singled out, labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder and prescribed Ridoline to treat the latest epidemic plague to sweep the schools. The main active ingredient in Ridoline is the same type of meth-amphetamine, which has the law enforcement dealing with crank junkies and their labs that manufacture the drug. Ridoline is controlled with a time release but there is no doubt that it is addictive to children zoning on it in class. I’ve known people who have melted down their children’s Ridoline, to separate out the time release ingredient, and have a meth binge keep ‘em awake for a couple days. It’s a little known fact that similar drugs were used to create Hitler’s dilutions in the 20th Century. Could a similar drug experiment be intended for a young budding Hitler in the 21st Century? The reality definers of the Drug War struggle in vain to prevent the masses from breaking down the barriers of perceived reality with drugs. The Drug War is waged against human nature and that is why the state will and must loose it. Why do we allow them to use these drugs to treat the human natures of our children? The woman of the card raises her hand, pointing upward to indicate that human nature will prevail. We will not be "psycho-civilized" and the current Information renaissance may yet save the day. The same trends that brought about the recent revolutions in Russia and China are occurring here in America. The media illusion in America, which is currently controlled by just 9 corporations, pulls the wool over our eyes with their books, TV, movies, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers, to hide the change, which is under our noses. The world is changing and the growing herd they think they must control overwhelms those who control. This is the reason the crowned and conquering children of America will spark the revolution against the state that drugged them, institutionalized them, took away their mothers, and abused them in the name of discipline and tough love with jails and boot camps. What the state can’t control is the children growing up and getting released. The Information Age may yet show the difference between saving children from real abuse and just snatching babies from defenseless mothers who love their children. It’s all too Nazi and Gestapo in my mind as I hear about the antics of D.F.S. from mothers who have either lost their children or are currently being investigated by the baby snatchers. I look forward to Karma judging the real crime afoot here in the name of family values and their personal agendas of Christian brain washing. Still we live in a time when information is hard to hide behind gossip-as-news shows. The lady on the card walks to the bones of the bottom margin representing the casualties of this century’s end. Just this year a merciless bombing of Yugoslavia has our President charged with war crimes which may be valid. These casualties are also the victims of genocide that the Yugoslavia bombings were allegedly intended to stop. In fact the casualties are too great to list in these times of war abroad in all corners of the world, not to mention apocalyptic natural disasters that are shaking up the world. Currently a Gulf War Syndrome is killing veterans who are also spreading it to civilians. So now even diseases are being brought to the U.S. by a manufactured war that, contrary to popular belief, is still going on in Iraq. The remainder of the card’s border consists of the spirits of the deceased rising up into the energies of the Toe represented by the Yin/Yang symbol. This is the hope of the new millennium. Human nature will continue to evolve and prevail. The young will continue to rise up to replace the old and dying. The old and dated ideas and conventions will not prevail, even though they go down fighting viscously. Our technological know-how is exponentially advancing beyond our comprehension. In the near future, our growing understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum will in itself revolutionize the world with new technologies. It is said that the Age of Horus is an age of booming populations from new souls living for the first time. So its no surprise that the state can get away with patronizing the population like an out of control parent who abuses their children. This is an age of sexual confusion and the questioning of conventional roles. However immature the age of Horus is, the direction of the age of the crowned and conquering children is an upward direction. This is signified by the mother pointing upward with her free hand toward the better days of the future.

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